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What is Infertility?

Infertility refers to an inability to conceive after having regular unprotected sex.  Infertility can also refer to the biological inability of an individual to contribute to conception, or to a female who cannot carry a pregnancy to full term.  In many countries infertility refers to a couple that has failed to conceive after 12 months of regular sexual intercourse without the use of contraception. 

If a couple is infertile, this means that they have been unable to conceive a child after 12 months of regular sexual intercourse without birth control. 

    * Primary infertility means they have never had a child. 

    * Secondary infertility means that the infertile person has had one or more children in the past, but a medical problem is impairing fertility. 

Many people may be infertile during their reproductive years.  They may be unaware of this because they are not seeking to create a pregnancy.  On any one occasion, the chance of pregnancy is just one percent. 

Quantity of semen:The normal quantity of semen will be 2- 5 ml .  Each ml of semen consists of millions of sperms.  The fluid portion of semen is called seminal plasma.  Semen acts as a vehicle to carry spermatozoa or sperms. 

Numerous glands present in testicles, epididymes, Seminal vesicles, Prostate gland, Bulbourethral and urethral glands secrete the liquid portion of semen or seminal plasma. 

The quantity of ejaculated semen will be more when there is a prolonged abstinence.  The quantity of semen will be less when there are very frequent ejaculations. 

If the quantity of semen is less than 1. 5 ml constantly then the condition is called as hypospermia. 

If the quantity of sperm is more than 6ml constantly then the condition is known as hyperspermia. 

Color of semen:

The normal semen is grey or white in color.  If the color of semen is yellowish or red or pink , it suggests  the presence of some

pathology in urinogenital system.  Hence men with red or yellowish semen should immediately seek  the immediate treatment which herbal therapy is the best answer. 

Semen clotting and liquefaction time:

Semen clots immediately after ejaculation.  It will liquefy again in 5 - 40 minutes.  When semen fails to clot and liquefy subsequently, then it indicates fertility problems. 

The semen which is affected by vata, pitta, kapha and rakta will
have many features like foul odor or clotted or mixed with pus or less in quantity.  And such semen lacks the capacity to produce children. 

Sperm Count:

At least there must be 20 million sperms per ml of semen.  The total number of sperms should be at least 40 million.  75% of the sperms should be alive.  30% of sperms should be of normal shape and form.  25% of sperms should swim rapidly with forward movement. 

Sperm count indicates the fertilizing capacity. 

When the sperm count is below normal (low sperm count) the condition is called as “oligospermia”

When there are no sperms in semen then the condition is known as “azoospermia. ”

Azoospermia , as the name suggests , refers to the condition in which there are no sperm in the semen.  This diagnosis can come as a rude shock, because most men with a zero count have normal libido; normal sexual function; and their semen looks completely normal too.  The diagnosis can only be made by examining the semen under a microscope in the laboratory. 

Azoospermia needs to be differentiated from aspermia, or the absence of semen.  This is a rare condition, in which the man cannot produce a semen sample, because he cannot ejaculate.  This could be because of a psychologic problem called anejaculation;  called retrograde ejaculation, in which the semen is discharged backwards into the urinary bladder, rather than forwards. 

If the lab report shows azoospermia, It means that you have to undergo full treatment  for the sperm count. 

There are only 2 possible reasons for the count being zero.  One is because of a blockage of the ducts which carry the from the testes to the ---.  This is called obstructive azoospermia, because it is a result of a block in the reproductive ducts ( passage).  The other is due to testicular failure, in which the testes do not produce.  This is called non-obstructive azoospermia ( a mouthful, which simply means that the problem is not because of a block). 

Men with obstructive azoospermia have normal testes which produce sperm normally, but whose passageway is blocked.  This is usually a block at the level of the epididymis, and in these men the semen volume is normal; fructose is present; the pH is alkaline; and no sperm precursor cells are seen on semen analysis.  On clinical examination, they typically have normal sized firm testes, but the epididymis is full and turgid. 

Some men have obstructive azoospermia because of an absent vas deferens.  Their semen volume is low ( 0. 5 ml or less); the pH is acidic and the fructose is negative.  The diagnosis can be confirmed by clinical examination, which shows the vas is absent.  If the vas can be felt in these men, then the diagnosis is a seminal vesicle obstruction. 

Men with non-obstructive azoospermia have a normal passageway, but abnormal testicular function, and their testes do not produce sperm normally.  Some of these men may have small testes on clinical
Causes for low sperm count:

    * Infected semen with some bacteria infection
    * Heat – (Heat reduces sperm production.  Hence the testicles are outside body in the scrotum to escape from body heat.  Hence tight underpants, bathing in very hot water, sitting for long hours, over weight in which fat layers sag on testicles reduce sperm count)
    * Very frequent semen ejaculation also lead to lowered sperm count and man may become effectively infertile.  Hence maintaining a gap of 3 days between two consecutive ejaculations keeps a man more fertile. 
    * Smoking. 
    * Excessive alcohol intake. 
    * Over exertion physically and mentally
    * Varicocele. 
    * Hydrocele
    * Infections present in prostate gland. 
    * Malformed genital organs. 
    * Toxic pollutants
    * Zinc deficiency
    * Anabolic steroid use . 

Whomp Herbal Products called Bukah  tips to increase sperm count:

      Increase quality of semen. 

      Increase quantity of semen. 

      Increase libido . 

      Produce many healthy offspring. 

      Rejuvenates the body

      Gives young look. 

      Gives  energy and strength to body. 

      Develops immunity to diseases . 

      Increase sperm count

      Increase sperm motility

SOLUTION. For the permamanent cure of the infertility and any related problems that might cause that problems,whomp Int`l we shall give you a positive solution to your infertility problems. 

A trial will surely convience you. . . . Give a trial today. . Whomp Int`l, a centre of excellence and the best sure in herbal therapy. You have to take a bold step today and give us a call. 

Head Office
28 Ivienagor street, Off Aina Ojodu Berger Lagos Nigeria. 

Hotlines:08034152029   08058563316
E-mail:drwhomp2004@yahoo. com


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