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Permanent Cure for the Staphylococcus aureus Infection with Herbal - Treatment

Permanent Cure for the Staphylococcus aureus Infection with Herbal - Treatment

The health problems of the rapidly growing 80% of the world’s population that live in the tropical developing countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America pose major threats to industrialized as well as developing regions. Despite a continuous effort by various agencies to spread information about sexually transmitted diseases, they continue to affect a large percentage of the population in the Nigeria And a large chunk of those affected is comprised of the young population.Sexually transmitted diseases are infective diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact, which means that semen, blood, and other body fluids that are coming from people with STD are highly contagious. They can affect men and women of all backgrounds and economic levels, which means that no one is really safe.

They can affect men and women of all backgrounds and economic levels, which means that no one is really safe.
Among the Four Major Sexually Transmitted Diseases, only Syphilis Shows Some Signs of Decline According to the latest statistics provided by Dr.Aminu Kazeem Olawale(O.I.M),Chief Consultanat and Medical Director Whomp Int`l Centre for Alternative Therapy Lagos Nigeria. tackling sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) remains one of the major challenges facing health professionals. Of the Four major STDs, only syphilis shows some signs of decline, while Chlamydia gonorrhea and Staphylococcus Aureus continue unabated.

However, the incidence of syphilis has also gone up by 134% in men over the last five years. It is only in women that the incidence of Chlamydia and syphilis has gone down by 20% compared to that a year ago.

Despite the untiring efforts in creating in spreading awareness about the STDs, it continues to show a rising trend among the youths. Almost 50% of all new cases of STDs were reported in young people. This fact is particularly worrying with Staph aureus, as STDs can produce life long impact on the health of an individual, if left untreated.

STDs are a huge drain on the exchequer,people Suffering from Sexually Transmitted Diseases are more prone to Infection with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

These statistics are all the more upsetting as it is a well known fact that people suffering from sexually transmitted diseases are more prone to infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Staph Aureus continues to be at the top of all STDs. Its incidence was the highest ever in the past year,About 45 to 65 percent of people carry Staphylococcus aureus, a type of bacterium commonly called "staph," most widespread causes of skin infection in Nigeria. However, if you eat food that's contaminated by some strain of staph, you will be one of the many people who contract food-borne illnesses from these bacteria. Additionally,It can be contacted in different ways.
1.Through Sexual Intercourse

2.Sharing the same under wears which someone who have been infected used.

3.Sharing the same Toilet especially toilets which someone who have been infected used

4.Heredity mode of components(Spread by parents)

Carriage and Transmission
Staph bacteria can live in air, dust and sewage, and is transported mainly by people and animals. Staph can also live in food, particularly food that hasn't been kept hot or cold enough to stop bacteria growing and reproducing. While many healthy individuals carry Staphylococcus aureus, it's predominant among people who handle food and food equipment. Generally, those who work in hospitals or among sick people also face a higher chance of contact with staph, usually via contaminated hands. carriage. Some people constantly carry a strain of staph; others carry different strains at different times; while a third group never carries staph at all. More children than adults belong to the first group, which always carries the bacteria.

The rate of the most common STD, i.e. Staph aureus showed a marginal increase it become worrisme because some thing be done to prevent out people from being a viction of staph every year.

The rate of chlamydial infection among women was eight timesof men. However, the rising incidence rate does not necessarily mean that more people are being infected with Chlamydia. It could also be due to an increase in the screening rate of the people. It is necessary to screen more and more people suffering from Chlamydia as untreated infection can result in pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and permanent infertility in 10 to 155 of all infected women.

More cases of Staph and Gnorrhea infection were reported this year. But these figures are still low compared to what we saw in the past. However, the bad news on this front is that there has been a rise in drug resistant gonorrhea and Staph cases. Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a strain that's resistant to the usual antibiotics used to treat staph infection, making MRSA infections more difficult to treat except some one used a high proven herbal therapy that would flush the bacteria infection completely and boost the immune system and corrected the Hormone disorder.
We are trying to create more awareness programs for STDs. A lot has to be done before we can bring these potentially life threatening infections under control.
More Serious Infections Caused by Staphylococcus Aureus
1.Itchiness in Private parts?
2)Stomach Noise?.
3)Skin Rashes?
4)Frequent Urinating?
5)Hotness of Body always?
6)Headache & Malaria/Typhoid
7)Waste Pains?
8)Back Pains and Bone marrow Pains?
9)Joints Pains?
10)Frequent Sweating?
11)Discharge from woman female privates(Some like whitish or mucous?
12)Blood stooling & Urinating?
13)Light boil?
14)Moving sensation round the body?
15)Painful sexual Intercourse?
16)Sexual inadequacies of all sort only lasted for one round sex with your wife?
17)Loss of sexual urge?
18)Zero Sperm count?
19)Watery sperm)
20)Blockage of woman fallopian tube?
21)Scanty of menstrual period?
22)Premature and late ejaculation?
23)Purse from men manhood?
24)Infertility both men &Women?

When you wake up in the morning and you usually feel

•Some kind of numbness in your joints, limbs or fingers or
•You always have internal heat,
•Rumbling within your stomach
•Some worm like movement within your body

If the above symptoms did not treated very well at right time with a high proven herbal medicine, it caused dis-comfort life long complications as predispose you to become a victim to acquiring HIV INFECTIONS.
Staphylococcus is a very complex disease, apart from being contracted sexually or as a toilet infection; there are some other ways of getting infected. If you have contracted any form of disease in the past like, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, candida (yeast infection), urinary tract infection (U.T.I), etc, which you may have treated but not totally cured, could lead to staph infection. So my candid advice to anyone that has any form of venereal disease or any disease at all should go for complete treatment and cure to avoid staph setting in.
When you wake up in the morning and you usually feel

•Some kind of numbness in your joints, limbs or fingers or
•You always have internal heat,
•Rumbling within your stomach
•Some worm like movement within your body
• abnormal vaginal discharge,
• vaginal burning and itching,
• unusual pain in pelvic area while having sex,
• strange blister-like formations on genitals,
• discharge from the tip of the penis,
•swelling of the lymph nodes,
• Skin rashes over large parts of the body and many others
then you need to go for serious body examination. All the above-mentioned situations are part of the normal symptoms of staph infections that don’t have any thing to do with other diseases. Most of the other symptoms are one way or another related to one disease or another that is why in most cases of staph infections a victim may not be aware of what is really wrong with him.

Staph infection spreads through the blood stream, that is why the effect is felt on every part of the body system, when it spreads to the bones and joints particularly those of the arms, legs and spine it forms abscesses. This is usually what causes arthritis or oedema and if care is not taken it could lead to affected area becoming permanently stiff. If staph infection spreads to the lungs it can cause staphylococcal pneumonia, if it spreads to the inner lining of the heart it results into bacterium endocarditis (which is a serious condition that can cause permanent damage to the heart). Too much intake of antibiotics for other ailments can result into staphylococcus of the colon; if the infection spreads to the brain it could cause insomnia, which could lead to mental disorder. Not all cases of people with mental disorder or psychiatric problems are spiritual, because a situation where by a victim of staph of the brain could not sleep for days or weeks will automatically lead to a mental imbalance. Another problem of the spread of staph to the brain is epilepsy (falling sickness) that is marked by disturbed electrical rhythms of the central nervous system and is typically manifested by convulsive attacks usually with the victim becoming unconscious.

Staphylococcus infection is a major cause of infertility in both male and female. Most women would have contracted this infection even before marriage usually as a toilet infection, but due to ignorance or nonchalant attitude the infection would have affected the reproductive organs. If you are a lady and in one time or another you have treated one infection or another especially a venereal disease, you have to make sure that you are totally cured. One mistake that most ladies make is that once they experience itching in their private part they go to chemists to buy drugs to stop the itching. Once the itching stops they feel they are okay and free, not knowing that they have only cured the infection externally but internally the infection is still there. The internal infection may not show any serious symptoms for some years, but it will gradually be affecting the internal reproductive organs. When such women now get married they now find it difficult to conceive, running from one gynecologist to another. Such lady could have save herself and her husband from such trouble if only she had done the right thing at the right time.

Having become aware above symptoms, diseases and you concerned about those changes you notice in your body or your partners, you should take a bold step to visit whomp Int`l herbs Therapy for the permanent cure today.Please BE PROACTIVE WITH YOUR HEALTH & KNOW YOUR HIV STATUS TODAY.
There is possibility that you have the follow results after you might be subjected for test.




I have always said it times without number that Staph infection spreads through the blood stream, that is why the effect is felt on every part of the body system, when it spreads to the bones and joints particularly those of the arms, legs and spine it forms abscesses. This is usually what causes arthritis or oedema as I usually said and if care is not taken it could lead to affected area becoming permanently stiff.

Note.Taken Anti-biotic and injection can only subdue the ailments, you have to take a herbal medicine that will flush those bacteria from your blood stream.

Dekah Herbal:A newly discovered herbal medicine that boost immune system and fight bacteria infection.It good for treatment Syphilis,Hepatitis ,Staph Aureous.Any related symptoms like itching in private parts blood stooling, Rashes,Worms like movement and hotness of body.

De-Bull Herbal plus:A blended herbal medicine to restore erection and make a man satisfy his wife miraculously.It good for sexual weakness,premature ejaculation,lack of sexual is a complete sex restorer.No side effects.

Tee&Tee herbal formula.Herbal tonic for metabolic waste material stimulation of liver.It good for Pile, Haemorrhoid, Gastric & Stomach Dis-counfort.It is good for a woman irregular menstrual period.

Spermo-Vite formuale™:A unique  rebrand Herbal supplement contains essential sperm production and it is good to boost the sperm count.It increase from 0-10 Millions Cell & motility, Morphology to above 85%.It good for for patients with Olisgospermia(Low Sperm Count)Necrospermia(Watery Sperm)70 days  complete dosage while Azoospermia(Zero Sperm Count)  90 days dosage No side effect.The results is guarantee.

TREATMENT: The best treatment For the permanent cure of the Sexual Transmitted Infections and any related problems that might cause that problems,visit whomp Int`l centre for Alternative therapy. we shall give you a positive solution to your problems.

Have you been using medication for the treatment of Venereal infection and drugs fail?And you keep wondering why this bacteria infection keep on persisting?

Use Whomp Natural Herbal Medicine today for the permanent cured of your Staph Aureus the efficacy of therapy is guarantee.

At Whomp Int`l Herbs Therapy,No diseases is resistant,no want need to die untimely from any diseases,No one should live on drugs for longer than Three Months.

We have redefined Medicine,and have made of it an art of human face.We understand disease better and Our evidence based Medicine has made us the clear leader in the field of Natural Medicine World wide.You can order for our products online 24hours delivery in Nigeria and 3days delivery in oversea without any delay.How service is available any where in Nigeria.
Our office, Abuja,Ph,Lagos and London.Home and office delivery any where in Nigeria

Whomp Int`l, a center of excellence and the best sure in herbal therapy. You have to take a bold step today and give us a call.The efficacy of our products is guarantee.A certified and tested herbal products you can trust for good health and general well-beings.

We all came from nature. We live with nature. Nobody can survive without nature.When wealth is lost, nothing is lost, when health is lost, something is lost but when life is lost, everything is lost. Health is wealth.
Distance can never be a problem to get our products,call us to day share your health issue with us you can place order for our herbal products drugs and it will deliver to your end within 24 hours of placing the order.

Online order for our products within Nigeria 24 hours Agofure ,ABC or Ifesinachi transports service and 3days delivery in oversea without any delay though DHL courier service. Call Helpline 08034152029 or 08058563316

Whats app Line +2348034152029 or +23808058563316

Home service is available any where within lagos and outside Lagos if you needed.Our office, Abuja,Ph,Lagos and London.

Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative Therapy LTD is a center of excellence and the best sure in herbal therapy. You have to take a bold step today and give us a call. The efficacy of our products is guarantee because it is a certified and tested herbal products you can trust for good health and general well-beings.
We all came from nature,we live with nature and no body can survive without nature. Remember,when wealth is lost, nothing is lost, when health is lost, something is lost but when life is lost, everything is lost. Health is the greatest wealth.

Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative Therapy LTD
Head Office
28 Ivienagor street, Off Aina Ojodu Berger Ikeja Lagos, Nigeria.
Whatsapp Line +2348034152029 or +23808058563316
Hot lines:+2348034152029, or 080-58563316
E-mail:drwhomp2004@yahoo. com
hxxp: whompherbs. webs. com


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