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Why 80% World Population depends on Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine has been commonly used over the years for treatment and prevention of diseases and health promotion as well as for enhancement of the span and quality of life.There is increasing awareness and general acceptability of the use of herbal drugs world-wide in today's medical practice.World Health Organization has recognized the important contribution of traditional medicine to provide essential In 1989, the U.S. Congress established the Office of Alternative Medicine within the National Institutes of Health to encourage scientific research in the field of traditional medicine.

Herbal medicines are in widespread use and because of the efficacy and guarantee for general well-being.Many people has a  strong believe herbal medicines are safe, they are often used in combination and are drawn from plant sources with their own variability in species, growing conditions, and biologically active constituents.

Dr.Aminu Kazeem Olawale( O.I.M)The Managing director and Chief Consultant Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative Therapy Ltd,has populised the healing power of nature within and outside Nigeria.Whatsapp Line +2348034152029 or +23808058563316

We promote and projects the cultural value of natural Organic products,with our intensive research herbs and roots have a long history of treating diseases and the written history of natural medicine is over 2000 years old.    This rise in the use of traditional medicine is not limited to developing countries,both advance countries also benefits from the power of nature.

There are some various organization in developing world who have made concise efforts on natural Organic products to become a toast for the people and during the past two decades public interest in natural therapies has increased greatly in industrialized countries, with expanding use of ethnobotanicals. In the United States, in 2007, about 38% of adults and 12% of children were using some form of traditional medicine (Ernst, Schmidt, and Wider 2005; Barnes, Bloom, and Nahin 2008).

According to a survey by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Barnes, Bloom, and Nahin 2008), herbal therapy or the usage of natural products other than vitamins and minerals was the most commonly used alternative medicine (18.9%) when all use of prayer was excluded. A survey conducted in Hong Kong in 2003 reported that 40% of the subjects surveyed showed marked faith in TCM compared with Western medicine (Chan et al. 2003)

The great achievement of traditional medicine in health sector worldwide in Nigeria can never be over emphasize,It is the belief of many people who are ignorant of herbal medication that whosoever practices herbal healing is an idol worshiper and Satan’s follower.

In olden days, practitioners merged the healing art with the available religion of their time in an unholy wedlock.Many people die in silence as results of ignorance,as far as alternative medicine is concerned, there is no religious affinity just as no religion is against herbal remedy and as a matter of fact, as long as you consume vegetable/fruit at any type, you have taken herbs and these are natural gifts from God to mankind.

At Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative Therapy Ltd,we are happy to be parts of Natural & Organic Products revolution.It is therefore to say big thank you to Organic & Natural Health Association for a great job well done so far for the past a decade now.

Whomp Int`l Centre for Alternative Herbs Therapy, a herbal firm dully registered by corporate affair commission in Nigeria for the manufacturing both import and exports of natural organic products and marketing.

 The Whomp Int`l Centre for Alternative Herbs Therapy was founded in year 2002/2003 to take natural organic products to the greatest heights. Over the past 13 years, we've treated more than 59,000 patients with our natural Organic Herbal products,some of them came looking for help overcoming serious health challenges such as Infertility, and some other communicable diseases.

We have a good Herbal products that specially made from a high proven medicinal plants for various ailments e.g for Low and dead sperm count,Staph aureus,Gonorrhea,Candida s,Hepatitis,Syphilis, or weak erection. Others hoped to avoid a recommended surgery or reduce their reliance on prescription drugs. Still others simply wanted to adopt a healthier lifestyle within our structured, supportive environment. Whatever your reason for considering the Whomp Int`l Centre for Alternative Herbs Therapy, we are dedicated to helping our patient to achieve their health goals.

Herbal medicine has been used to treat a number of conditions responsible for female infertility world-wide and we all witnessed the efficacy and potentials of herbal products. In world today, many plants species are used to overcome infertility,these plants are used to treat sexual transmitted infections, ovulation disorders, ovulation problems caused by polycystic ovarian syndrome, premature ovarian failure, blocked fallopian tubes, adhesions (scar tissues) and pelvic inflammatory diseases, cervical mucus, and for retaining pregnancy to full-term.It also in note that herbal medicine  are used for different reasons; firstly, to prevent miscarriage,to boost the libido,to revive and restore the sperm deficiency either low sperm  dead sperm count.Natural and Organic herbal products has been used to relieve oedema, vaginal wetness, prevention of backache, to cleanse wombs/stomach, prevention of sexually transmitted disease.We give glory to God Almighty because there is power in nature and God created plants(Herbs and roots) for curative of many ailments and afflictions for mankinds. There is no way we can be faster than nature, we all come from nature,we lived with and nature and we shall all returned to nature on day.We all came from nature,we live with nature,nobody can survive without nature and we can never be faster than nature.When wealth is lost, nothing is lost, when health is lost,something is lost but when life is lost, everything is lost. Health is the greatest wealth.

According for our researched lead by Dr.Aminu Kazeem Olawale(O.I.M)The Managing director  and Chief Consultant Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative Therapy Ltd,Over the past 100 years, the development and mass production of chemically synthesized drugs have revolutionized health care in most parts of the word. However,large sections of the population in developing countries still rely on traditional practitioners and herbal medicines for their primary care.

In Africa up to 90% and in India 70% of the population depend on traditional medicine to help meet their health care needs. In China, traditional medicine accounts for around 40% of all health care delivered and more than 90% of general hospitals in China have units for traditional medicine (WHO 2005). However, use of traditional medicine is not limited to developing countries, and during the past two decades public interest in natural therapies has increased greatly in industrialized countries, with expanding use of ethnobotanicals. In the United States, in 2007, about 38% of adults and 12% of children were using some form of traditional medicine (Ernst, Schmidt, and Wider 2005; Barnes, Bloom, and Nahin 2008). According to a survey by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Barnes, Bloom, and Nahin 2008), herbal therapy or the usage of natural products other than vitamins and minerals was the most commonly used alternative medicine (18.9%) when all use of prayer was excluded. A survey conducted in Hong Kong in 2003 reported that 40% of the subjects surveyed showed marked faith in TCM compared with Western medicine (Chan et al. 2003)

Plants, herbs, and ethnobotanicals have been used since the early days of humankind and are still used throughout the world for health promotion and treatment of disease. Plants and natural sources form the basis of today’s modern medicine and contribute largely to the commercial drug preparations manufactured today. About 25% of drugs prescribed worldwide are derived from plants. Still, herbs, rather than drugs, are often used in health care. For some, herbal medicine is their preferred method of treatment. For others, herbs are used as adjunct therapy to conventional pharmaceuticals.

However, in many developing societies, traditional medicine of which herbal medicine is a core part is the only system of health care available or affordable. Regardless of the reason, those using herbal medicines should be assured that the products they are buying are safe and contain what they are supposed to, whether this is a particular herb or a particular amount of a specific herbal component. Consumers should also be given science-based information on dosage, contraindications, and efficacy. To achieve this, global harmonization of legislation is needed to guide the responsible production and marketing of herbal medicines. If sufficient scientific evidence of benefit is available for an herb, then such legislation should allow for this to be used appropriately to promote the use of that herb so that these benefits can be realized for the promotion of public health and the treatment of disease.

The good old days are back and there is good news for the patient who is suffering from Infertility issue and all forms of STDS ailments.

                               Check our products and call us now!!!!!

                                             Our Products

Spermo-Vite formuale™:  A unique and  newly re-brand natural organic herbal supplement contains essential sperm production and it is good to revive and restore the sperm for boosting. It increase sperm cell from 0-10 above Millions Cell & motility and Morphology to above 85%.The products has a great potential get restore and revive the sperm production and the supplement will corrected the motility and morphology.This supplement is good to increase the sperm count tremendously between Zero above 80 millions and it is a certified natural and organic herbal that has a great potential for the patients with low Sperm count( Olisgospermia & Necrospermia)The duration of the treatment is  70 days dosage. It is miraculous herbal products for  Zero Sperm Count, no sperm seen or nill sperm count ( Azoospermia) the complete dosage is  90 days .The results is guarantee by God grace within the stipulated time.

Dekah Herbal:  A newly discovered herbal medicine that boost immune system and fight bacteria infection.It good for treatment Syphilis,Hepatitis ,Staph Aureus. related symptoms like itching in private parts blood stooling, Rashes,Worms like movement and hotness of body.It is a herbal medicine you can trust for long term or chronic infection.

De-Bull Herbal plus: A blended  natural organic herbal medicine to restore erection and make a man satisfy his wife miraculously. It good for the treatment of sexual weakness,premature ejaculation,lack of sexual urge. it is a complete sex restorer for 56 days and there is no side effects because it is pure natural herbal supplement with a great potential for normal sexual desire.

Tee&Tee herbal blood and fertility formulaeNatural organic herbal tonic for metabolic waste material stimulation of liver. This is certified herbal tonic for the treatment of hormonal deficiency for male and female,and it is also good to enhance the fertility.We called it fertility booster.It good for primary pile and secondary pile hemorrhoid. It is good for  gastric & stomach dis-comfort. It is good for a woman irregular menstrual period.

Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative Therapy LTD,our  evidence based researched on natural and organic products  made us the clear leader in the field of natural Organic products revolution and  Our promise is to provide the finest certified organic herbal products for the treatment of communicable and non communicable diseases.

Detoxification is a simple process given the right environment. Our Herbal  therapy experience has enabled us to deliver a professionally structured detox programme with our products  support to help detoxify safely and effectively. The products will help you to cleanse, detoxify and strengthen mind and body on every level.

Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative Therapy LTD,the era of drug resistant to staph or bacteria disease has passed with our evidence based natural organic products.No body want need to die untimely from any diseases and no one should live on drugs for longer than three months.The efficacy of our herbal products is guarantee because it is a certified natural &Organic Herbal products for the treatment of Male and female infertility.

Many people who have used our products is now among the success story of our remarkable products,to God be the glory ....I pray and wish your family will be among the people who will testify and have a good testimony the efficacy of our herbal products.I have a strong feelings that with God all things are possible and you should take a bold step and a trial will convince you.

We redefined natural organic products,and  made of it an art of human face,we understand disease better and Our evidence based natural organic products has made us the clear leader in the field natural organic herbal medicine research and developments.Our Company  "Whomp Centre Alternative therapy Limited " have participated and attended conferences /trade shows on natural and organic products ,our Commitment and committed to meet industry Natural and Organic products world leaders, in 2013, 2014,2015 respectively in United State of America and United Kingdom.This had given way to excellence through our dedication and commitment to take natural & organic herbal supplement to the greater heights.We are part of Natural Organic Products revolution in this century!!!

Distance can never be a problem to get our products,call us to day share your health issue with us you can place order for our herbal products drugs and it will deliver to your end within 24 hours of placing the order.

Online order for  our products within Nigeria 24 hours Agofure ,ABC or Ifesinachi transports  service and 3days delivery in oversea without any delay though DHL courier service. Call Helpline 08034152029 or 08058563316

   Whats app Line +2348034152029 or +23808058563316

Home service is available any where within lagos and outside Lagos if you needed.Our office, Abuja,Ph,Lagos and London.

Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative Therapy LTD is  a center of excellence and the best sure in herbal therapy. You have to take a bold step today and give us a call. The efficacy of our products is guarantee because it is a certified and tested herbal products you can trust for good health and general well-beings.

We all came from nature,we live with nature and no body can survive without nature. Remember,when wealth is lost, nothing is lost, when health is lost, something is lost but when life is lost, everything is lost. Health is the greatest wealth.

Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative Therapy LTD

                   Head Office
28 Ivienagor street, Off Aina Ojodu Berger Ikeja Lagos, Nigeria.

Whatsapp Line +2348034152029 or +23808058563316

Hot lines:+2348034152029,  or 080-58563316
E-mail:drwhomp2004@yahoo. com
hxxp: whompherbs. webs. com


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