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Natural way of Eliminating Staphylococcus, Gonorrhea and other Infections.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) refers to a set of clinical infections in which a mode of transmission is through sexual contact, and in which at least, one partner is infected (staph,)” is the most widespread infection in Nigeria according our continuous research by Dr.Aminu Kazeem Olawale(O.I.M)at Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative Therapy Ltd. Many of these infections spread predominantly through sexual intercourse, but in some others, sexual contact may play a less predominant or uncertain role. Most STDs are not, however spread through casual contact, vectors or formites.
The Statistics shows  rise in cases of infertility in recent times is alarming due to our negligence and ignorance, and everyone should aware that there is spread of that STDS in our society and it was not the same same in the olden days. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are recognized as a major public health problem in most of the industrialized world.
STDs deserves attention, not only because of the high prevalence, but also because they frequently go undetected and untreated if it is not handle very well and can result in serious reproductive morbidity and mortality.As holistic herbal medicine practitioner with reach experience on medicinal plants, and species treating  Stds will a high proven herbal medicine is the best way to put an end to Stds especially some stuborn infections.
Compared with the extensive efforts devoted to research and intervention on HIV and AIDS, very little attention has been paid to other STDs. Hence there is a need to increase awareness of, at least, one central aspect of most common curable STDs – their incidence. Recent findings shows that some STDs acts as a cofactor or facilitator for HIV transmission, arguing that research on STDs other than HIV and AIDS can also contribute to better insights into HIV infections. Sexually transmitted diseases are responsible for a variety of health problems and can have especially serious consequences for adolescents and young adults.

Many STIs are spread through contact with infected body fluids such as blood, vaginal fluids, or semen. They can also be spread through contact with infected skin or mucous membranes, such as sores in the mouth. You may be exposed to infected body fluids and skin through vaginal, anal or oral sex.Anyone who has had sexual contact can get an STI,men and women of all ages, regions, ethnic backgrounds, and economic levels can get STIs.

Staphylococcus is a very complex disease, apart from being contracted sexually or as a toilet infection; there are some other ways of getting infected. If you have contracted any form of disease in the past like, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, candida (yeast infection), urinary tract infection (U.T.I), etc, which you may have treated but not totally cured, could lead to staph infection. Mistreated Staph Aureus continues to be at the top of all STDs and it can endanger our life and the life of our partner if the right treatment is not given at the right time with a high proven herbal medicine that specially formulated from medicinal plants and precursion should in place at the right time.

 Nigeria has a fast growing population and is confronted with numerous health challenges,with a population of more than 150 million, the country’s population is young; therefore, the future of the country rests to a greater extent, on how successful, its youth have a transition to a healthy and productive adulthood.
STDs remain a major public health challenge because of their health consequences, several complications especially among women who excessively bear long term consequences. It was also stated that the prevalence of STDs among Nigerian female youths is 17 percent, arguing that STDs causes infertility in women and increases the risk of transmission of HIV/AIDS.

In our centre at Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative Therapy Ltd  the highest health cares we attended to was STDS especially Staph infection between Jan 2017 to Dec 2017. Its incidence was the highest ever in the past year, with our research  carried out at Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative Therapy Ltd on the Stds about 45 to 65 percent of people carry Staphylococcus aureus. They can affect men and women of all backgrounds and economic levels, which means that no one is really safe. Among the four major Sexually Transmitted Diseases, only Syphilis Shows Some Signs of Decline in our  latest statistics.
According to our deep research there are about 20 million new STIs diagnosed every year in the United States and people between 17-29 years of age have half of them. Anyone at any age can get an STI; however, young people (male and females) who have sex with multiple partners, or have sex with a partner that has many sexual partners, are at a greater risk than others. Additionally, teen girls are more likely to become infected with chlamydia than adult women are.

Tackling sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) remains one of the major challenges facing health professionals. Besides, of the Four major STDs, only syphilis shows some signs of decline, while Chlamydia  gonorrhea and Staphylococcus Aureus continue unabated. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a strain that’s resistant to the usual antibiotics used to treat staph infection, making MRSA infections more difficult to treat except some one used a high proven herbal therapy that would flush the bacteria infection completely and boost the immune system and corrected the Hormone disorder.

If you has an STI, you can still get it again because if you didnt aware of Stds mode of transmission.You can get the same STI again if you have sex – especially if you have sex without a condom. You can also have more than one STI at a time and STI can cause serious problems.
If STIs are not treated at right time,they can have serious side effects, such as:Pain,worsening infection,Infertility (being unable to have children)Increased risk for some types of cancer,brain damage,heart disease, birth defects,and lead to untimely death.Please kindly call us now or Visit Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative Therapy Ltd.Hotline +2348034152029 or +2348058563316.

                                         Whatsapp hotline ; +2348034152029

I have made emphasizes on uses of anti-biotics or injection severally,because medically or scientifically, there is resistance of anti-biotics or injection with some of these Stds and you are looking for permanent cure for those infections. If you have been moving from one place to others to get lasting solution to your health challenges maybe on infection treatment of infertility,you have to use a high proven herbal medicine.
Dr.Aminu Kazeem Olawale (O.I.M) the Chief Consultant & Managing Director  Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative Therapy Ltd  Lagos Nigeria.A lots of the efforts has been made,with our  holistic approach in qualitative research that will bring a formidable Natural herbal products that will get rid of any forms of bacterial infection from body system without any side effects.


 Itchiness in Private parts? Stomach Noise?
.  Skin Rashes? 
.  Frequent Urinating?
.   Hotness of Body always?
.    Headache & Malaria/Typhoid  Waste Pains?
.    Back Pains and Bone marrow Pains?
 Joints Pains?
.   Frequent Sweating?
 Discharge from woman female privates(Some like whitish or mucous? 
.  Blood stooling & Urinating?  Light boil? 
.  Moving sensation round the body? 
.  Painful sexual Intercourse? 
.  Sexual inadequacies of all sort only lasted for one round sex with your wife?
.    Loss of sexual urge?
.   Zero Sperm count or Watery sperm?
.    Blockage of woman fallopian tube?
.    Scanty of menstrual period? 
.  Premature and late ejaculation?
.   Purse from men manhood?
.   Infertility both men &Women?
.  When you wake up in the morning DO you usually feel  Some kind of numbness in your joints, limbs or fingers ?
.   You always have internal heat?
.    Rumbling within your stomach  Some worm like movement within your body?

Prevention is better than cure that was what an adages says: It is better to try to keep a bad thing from happening than it is to fix the bad thing once it has happened. ( An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.)
People with numerous sexual partners or those who don’t use a condom are at greatest risk of infection. The best protections against infection are abstinence, monogamy (sex with only one partner), and proper condom usage. Behaviors that make a person more likely to engage in unprotected sex also increase the likelihood of infection. These behaviors include alcohol abuse and illegal drug abuse, particularly intravenous drug use Symptoms of gonorrhea Symptoms usually occur within two to 14 days after exposure.
However, some people infected with gonorrhea never develop noticeable symptoms. It’s important to remember that a person with gonorrhea who doesn’t have symptoms, also called a nonsymptomatic carrier, is still contagious. A person is more likely to spread the infection to other partners when they don’t have noticeable symptoms.
Symptoms in men Men may not develop noticeable symptoms for several weeks. Some men may never develop symptoms.  Typically, the infection begins to show symptoms a week after its transmission. The first noticeable symptom in men is often a burning or painful sensation during urination. As it progresses, other symptoms may include: greater frequency or urgency of urination a pus-like discharge (or drip) from the penis (white, yellow, beige, or greenish) swelling or redness at the opening of the penis swelling or pain in the testicles a persistent sore throat The infection will stay in the body for a few weeks after the symptoms have been treated.
 In rare instances, gonorrhea can continue to cause damage to the body, specifically the urethra and testicles. Pain may also spread to the rectum. Symptoms in women Many women don’t develop any overt symptoms of gonorrhea.
When women do develop symptoms, they tend to be mild or similar to other infections, making them more difficult to identify. Gonorrhea infections can appear much like common vaginal yeast or bacterial infections. Symptoms include: discharge from the vagina (watery, creamy, or slightly green) pain or burning sensation while urinating the need to urinate more frequently heavier periods or spotting sore throat pain upon engaging in sexual intercourse sharp pain in the lower abdomen fever BACTERIA STDs (Infection) Gonococcus or neisseria gonorrhea.
The good old days are back and there is good news for the patient who is suffering from Infertility issue and all forms of STDS ailments.
                               Check our products and call us now!!!!!
                                             Our Products
Spermo-Vite formuale™:  A unique and  newly re-brand natural organic herbal supplement contains essential sperm production and it is good to revive and restore the sperm for boosting. It increase sperm cell from 0-10 above Millions Cell & motility and Morphology to above 85%.The products has a great potential get restore and revive the sperm production and the supplement will corrected the motility and morphology.This supplement is good to increase the sperm count tremendously between Zero above 80 millions and it is a certified natural and organic herbal that has a great potential for the patients with low Sperm count( Olisgospermia & Necrospermia)The duration of the treatment is  70 days dosage. It is miraculous herbal products for  Zero Sperm Count, no sperm seen or nill sperm count ( Azoospermia) the complete dosage is  90 days .The results is guarantee by God grace within the stipulated time.
Dekah Herbal:  A newly discovered herbal medicine that boost immune system and fight bacteria infection.It good for treatment Syphilis,Hepatitis ,Staph Aureus. related symptoms like itching in private parts blood stooling, Rashes,Worms like movement and hotness of body.It is a herbal medicine you can trust for long term or chronic infection.
De-Bull Herbal plus: A blended  natural organic herbal medicine to restore erection and make a man satisfy his wife miraculously. It good for the treatment of sexual weakness,premature ejaculation,lack of sexual urge. it is a complete sex restorer for 56 days and there is no side effects because it is pure natural herbal supplement with a great potential for normal sexual desire.
Tee&Tee herbal blood and fertility formulae. Natural organic herbal tonic for metabolic waste material stimulation of liver. This is certified herbal tonic for the treatment of hormonal deficiency for male and female,and it is also good to enhance the fertility.We called it fertility booster.It good for primary pile and secondary pile hemorrhoid. It is good for  gastric & stomach dis-comfort. It is good for a woman irregular menstrual period.
Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative Therapy LTD,our  evidence based researched on natural and organic products  made us the clear leader in the field of natural Organic products revolution and  Our promise is to provide the finest certified organic herbal products for the treatment of communicable and non communicable diseases.
Detoxification is a simple process given the right environment. Our Herbal  therapy experience has enabled us to deliver a professionally structured detox programme with our products  support to help detoxify safely and effectively. The products will help you to cleanse, detoxify and strengthen mind and body on every level.
Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative Therapy LTD,the era of drug resistant to staph or bacteria disease has passed with our evidence based natural organic products.No body want need to die untimely from any diseases and no one should live on drugs for longer than three months.The efficacy of our herbal products is guarantee because it is a certified natural &Organic Herbal products for the treatment of Male and female infertility.
Many people who have used our products is now among the success story of our remarkable products,to God be the glory ....I pray and wish your family will be among the people who will testify and have a good testimony the efficacy of our herbal products.I have a strong feelings that with God all things are possible and you should take a bold step and a trial will convince you.
We redefined natural organic products,and  made of it an art of human face,we understand disease better and Our evidence based natural organic products has made us the clear leader in the field natural organic herbal medicine research and developments.Our Company  "Whomp Centre Alternative therapy Limited " have participated and attended conferences /trade shows on natural and organic products ,our Commitment and committed to meet industry Natural and Organic products world leaders, in 2013, 2014,2015 respectively in United State of America and United Kingdom.This had given way to excellence through our dedication and commitment to take natural & organic herbal supplement to the greater heights.We are part of Natural Organic Products revolution in this century!!!
Distance can never be a problem to get our products,call us to day share your health issue with us you can place order for our herbal products drugs and it will deliver to your end within 24 hours of placing the order.
Online order for  our products within Nigeria 24 hours Agofure ,ABC or Ifesinachi transports  service and 3days delivery in oversea without any delay though DHL courier service. Call Helpline 08034152029 or 08058563316
   Whats app Line +2348034152029 or +23808058563316

Home service is available any where within lagos and outside Lagos if you needed.Our office, Abuja,Ph,Lagos and London.
Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative Therapy LTD is  a center of excellence and the best sure in herbal therapy. You have to take a bold step today and give us a call. The efficacy of our products is guarantee because it is a certified and tested herbal products you can trust for good health and general well-beings.

We all came from nature,we live with nature and no body can survive without nature. Remember,when wealth is lost, nothing is lost, when health is lost, something is lost but when life is lost, everything is lost. Health is the greatest wealth.
Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative Therapy LTD

                   Head Office28 Ivienagor street, Off Aina Ojodu Berger Ikeja Lagos, Nigeria.
Whatsapp Line +2348034152029 or +23808058563316
Hot lines:+2348034152029,  or 080-58563316E-mail:drwhomp2004@yahoo. comhxxp: whompherbs. webs. com


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