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Staph infection is a life-threatening it can be treated Naturally withDekah herbal formulae and Tee&Tee herbal blood cleanser is a certified organic herbal products

Prevention is better than cure  and moderate rate rise is better than soonest later,when it comes to our health, prevention is much better than cure because several diseases and injuries are preventable, and can be well managed much better if identified earlier on.It is common for people only to go to the doctor when they are feeling unwell. A regular check-up with your doctor helps them to assess your overall health and to identify your risk factors for disease. By knowing what's normal for you early on, you'll be able to detect any serious changes later.

Staph infection is a life-threatening it can be treated Naturally with Dekah herbal formulae and Tee&Tee herbal blood cleanser is a certified organic herbal products

Staph infection is  a life-threatening because it is potentially serious complications caused by cellulitis which include developing large, painful abscesses below the skin, damage to the lymphatic vessels, permanent swelling of the affected tissue, permanently destroyed skin tissue, and the spreading of bacteria through the blood stream (called bacteremia, which is life-threatening).

You many be wondering if cellulitis is contagious? Yes, the types of staph bacteria that cause cellulitis can be transmitted from person to person or even from animals to people in some cases. Skin-to-skin contact with someone who carries staph bacteria along with sharing personal items are the two most common ways that bacteria are passed between patients. According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, several factors increase the risk for spreading staph bacteria that cause cellulitis. These factors are referred to as the “5 C’s”: (2)

Frequent skin-to-skin Contact
Compromised skin (such as having open cuts or abrasions)
Contaminated items and surfaces
And lack of Cleanliness
unprpotected sexua intercourse

It’s been found that conditions common to certain types of work and living spaces make infection more likely. Areas where you’re most likely to become infected with staph bacteria (if you don’t already have any living on your skin) include schools, dormitories, military barracks, athletic gyms, households, correctional facilities, day care centers, and sometimes hospitals or veterinary centers.

Staph bacteria don’t normally have the chance to proliferate, however, or cause negative reactions, thanks to protection from the immune system.

When they do occur, staph infections can take many forms, ranging in symptoms and severity depending on what part of the body they affect and the strength of someone’s overall immune system. The National Institute of Health has found that most staph germs are spread through skin-to-skin contact, and yes, they’re usually contagious in nature.

One finding that scares many experts who study bacterial infections is that more and more antibiotic-resistant staph bacteria are now being discovered. This means that certain blood-borne infections caused by resistant staph can’t be treated with a normal course of antibiotics or other medications and therefore pose serious risks due to this antibiotic resistance.

With our clinical research on staph infection and natural organic products for the permanent cure for the staph infection,there is solution because at Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative herbs Ltd, Dekah herbal formulae and Tee&Tee herbal blood cleanser is a certified organic herbal products to fight any form of bacteira infection in the system and blood the immune system.The drugs is olden day herbal products with great potency and the efficacy is quarantee.No matter how long the patient or carrier has been battling with that staph infection either  yielded heavy growth or moderate growth that dekah herbal formulea and Tee&Tee herbal blood cleanser with a complete dosage of two months for the permanent.To God be the glory, many have used the products and we recorded a good success stories.This great herbs is very unque,very effective and affordable with no side effects,and there is no

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is the most common form of resistant staph bacteria that’s immune to many antibiotics. As you can see, because antibiotics are not always a reliable treatment option for infections, preventing infections from developing in the first place by increasing immunity, avoiding contaminated products and practicing good hygiene are your best forms of protection against staph infection.You can as well use our dekah herbal formulea and Tee&Tee herbal blood cleanser for prevention of this diseases.

Staph Infection Symptoms

When you wake up in the morning and you usually feel:

•Some kind of numbness in your joints, limbs or fingers or

•You always have internal heat,

•Rumbling within your stomach

1.Itchiness in Private parts?
2)Stomach Noise?.
3)Skin Rashes?
4)Frequent Urinating?
5)Hotness of Body always?
6)Headache & Malaria/Typhoid
7)Waste Pains?
8)Back Pains and Bone marrow Pains?
9)Joints Pains?
10)Frequent Sweating?
11)Discharge from woman female privates(Some like whitish or mucous?
12)Blood stooling & Urinating?
13)Light boil?
14)Moving sensation round the body?
15)Painful sexual Intercourse?
16)Sexual inadequacies of all sort only lasted for one round sex with your wife?
17)Loss of sexual urge?
18)Zero Sperm count?
19)Watery sperm)
20)Blockage of woman fallopian tube?
21)Scanty of menstrual period?
22)Premature and late ejaculation?
23)Purse from men manhood?
24)Infertility both men &Women?

Some of the most common staph infection symptoms that affect the skin can include:

Developing an abscess that causes redness, swelling and pain: These can be in the form of a visible boil, infected hair follicle (which looks like an ingrown hair) or a bump that look like a cystic acne pimple. Many who develop a staph infection of the skin form of a visible swollen pocket that contains pus and feels tender when touched.

Forming a painful rash: Several types of rashes can be caused by staph infections. One is called impetigo, which is a skin rash that’s contagious and causes large blisters to form. Blisters can sometimes form crust coatings or open up and release fluid. Another is called cellulitis, which is caused from an infection deeper beneath the skin’s surface. Cellulitis occurs most often on the legs or feet and can cause patches of visible ulcers that eventually ooze open.
In infants or babies, a type of staph infection called staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome can cause a rash or blisters that open up and expose raw skin. Some also develop symptoms of a fever at the same time.
Bacteremia develops when staph bacteria reach the bloodstream. This can cause staph infection symptoms that affect digestion and the vital organs, including:

Symptoms of food poisoning, such as nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration and dizziness
Low blood pressure and feeling shaky

Symptoms of a fever, such as having the chills, loss of appetite, shakiness, upset stomach or weakness

High fevers can result from staph infections called toxic shock syndrome, which can cause toxicity, rashes, confusion, muscle pains and digestive upset
Septic arthritis symptoms can also form, and this type of infection causes swelling and pain in the joints, especially the knees. Septic arthritis can also cause pain and inflammation in the spine, feet, ankles, hips, wrists, hands, elbows and shoulders.
One of the most serious conditions caused by a staph infection is endocarditis, which affects the endocardium (the inner lining of the heart). (2) It’s been found that between 10 percent to 20 percent of people who undergo surgery to implant an artificial heart valve develop endocarditis within 60 days. (3) This can affect blood flow and sometimes cause symptoms like damage to the lungs, congestive heart failure or kidney problems.

Staph infection risk factors - Dr. Axe

What Causes Staph Infections?

Although many of us carry staph bacteria on our bodies, the skin and immune system usually protect us from infection by acting like natural barriers and regulators of bacterium. However, when you consume contaminated food, undergo surgery or get cut, for example, it’s possible for staph bacteria to enter into the body, make their way through the bloodstream and reproduce to high levels.

Staph bacteria can proliferate inside closed-off parts of the body, forming abscesses, allowing pus to accumulate, redness, heat, swelling and usually some pain. Staph bacteria are especially harmful when they enter parts of the body that are normally blocked from their presence, cut off from air flow and have poor circulation.

As staph bacteria continue to reproduce inside the affected area, the immune system responds by raising inflammation in order to attack the infection. Inflammation caused from a patient’s own immune system is part of what leads to destructive staph infection symptoms. Toxins released from staph bacteria can cause an excessive immune response that attacks the body’s own healthy tissue. For example, with endocarditis infections, inflammation causes capillary leakage, low blood pressure, shock, fever, destruction of the heart valves and sometimes strokes.

Risk factors for developing a staph infection include:

Staying in a hospital or nursing home where bacteria can spread from patient to patient. People in the hospital are mostly likely to get an MRSA infection, especially if they already have a run-down immune system due to having another health problem or taking antibiotics.
Being sick with another infection, autoimmune disorder or condition that causes low immunity.
Spending lots of time in public settings where you might be around other sick children or adults, including daycare centers, schools or universities.
Undergoing surgery, especially to implant an artificial device, joint, stent or pacemaker. Bacteria can sometimes accumulate around these foreign objects in the body or enter the bloodstream through surgical incisions.
Having wounds, stitches, incisions or cuts that are left uncleaned and untreated.
Using expired or contaminated tampons and feminine products, or not changing them often enough.
Consuming foods that are more likely to be contaminated with bacteria that cause food poisoning. These foods include pork products, old vegetables or fruits that have been left out, and unrefrigerated meat or dairy products.
Not washing your hands regularly after using public bathrooms, going to a health facility/gym, or sharing equipment that can carry sweat, blood or other fluids along with bacteria.
Having low immune function due to a poor diet, nutrient deficiencies, allergies and an unhealthy lifestyle.
Conventional Treatment for Staph Infections

Diagnosis of staph infection or poisoning in an individual is usually based on observing signs and symptoms. Sometimes blood, stool or urine tests are also used to confirm diagnoses. The conventional way of treating staph infections is usually:

Opening up the affected area up in order to reduce inflammation and drain out excess blood or dead cells (which form pus)
Prescribing antibiotics
In many cases, abscesses caused from staph infections can be closed off from drainage and therefore cause pain and swelling. This can happen when cellular debris and pus are left behind by the immune system but have nowhere to go (much like an infected pimple that’s beneath the surface of the skin and doesn’t form a noticeable white head). In this case, doctors might open up the abscess, blister, ulcer, etc., in order to relieve fluid from the infection.

Antibiotics such as cephalosporins, nafcillin, sulfa drugs or vancomycin are commonly used to fight staph bacteria, however some strains of bacteria have now become resistant to these medications. (4) Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (usually called MRSA) is the most widespread type of staph that is antibiotic-resistant and causes serious infections in thousands of patients each year. (5) Although researchers continue to explore ways to treat MRSA infections with new types of antibiotics, some patients don’t respond and wind up needing surgery to remove MRSA abscesses.

Staph Infection Prevention and Natural Treatments

1. Strengthen Your Immune System

Avoid inflammatory and allergenic foods that disturb gut health and lower immune function, including packaged, processed foods; potential food allergens like conventional dairy, gluten, shrimp and peanuts; refined fats or fried foods; and added sugar.

Consider taking herbs and supplements to boost immune function, such as zinc; antioxidants like vitamin C, echinacea and vitamin D; and antiviral herbs for immunity like calendula, elderberry and astragalus. In addition, fill up on healing foods like fresh fruits and veggies, probiotic foods, bone broth, and healthy fats like coconut, nuts and seeds.

2. Practice Good Hygiene and Hand-Washing

Regularly wash all fabrics and linens (especially when they’re shared) using a natural antibacterial detergent. Ideally look for detergents containing essential oils that have antibacterial/antimicrobial properties, or make a homemade laundry soap yourself.

Be sure to wash all dirty clothes containing bodily fluids, towels and bedding, particularly after they come into contact with someone who has an infection.

Clean and disinfect all working surfaces thoroughly and regularly, including those in bathrooms and kitchens. Public surfaces that are used or touched daily carry the biggest risk for spreading staph bacteria, including doorknobs, phones, or surfaces in public restrooms and locker rooms.

Frequently disinfect shared items in your home or workplace using natural cleaning products, especially those regularly used with someone’s hands, such as phones, doorknobs, keys, cabinet handles and keyboards. Run any shared utensils and kitchen or cooking equipment through a dishwasher after use.

Food workers should always wash their hands thoroughly to prevent foodborne illnesses from spreading.

Avoid sharing personal items, such as towels or razors, that can carry bodily fluids.

If you go to a gym or exercise facility, make sure to clean equipment after use and shower once you leave. Try using a towel when putting your bare skin on any surface, such as a protective layer between you and mats or the gym floor. Wash your hands after lifting weights, touching machines or using the bathroom.

Employees who are sick or suffering from infections should avoid going to work, and children who are sick should stay home from school. In public settings where shared equipment is used, such as tools, computers, phones, uniforms, helmets and protective gear, all equipment should be regularly disinfected.

3. Clean and Protect All Open Cuts

Be sure to keep any cuts, incisions or wounds clean and covered using band-aids, bandages or another dressings. Use a natural antibacterial wash over skin when showering, and make sure to protect openings in the skin when in high-risk settings like hospitals or nursing homes. Be sure to let your doctor know right away if a cut shows signs of infection, including redness, swelling and oozing, since this can help prevent the infection from worsening.

You know yourself and your needs is better than anyone. It is in your best interest to be as proactive with your health as soon as possible! Personally, my advise is: be pro-active. Don't wait in line to get on a train wreck. Consider taking your health into your hands. I know that might be a little scary, but you can do it. You couldn't before because there wasn't an alternative - but now, people should know natural and Organic Herbal products and Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative Therapy LTD is one the leading research and herbal firms that specialized on Infertility and any related bacteria or Toilet infection that can caused infertility.

You need to make an important decision today,speak to us and we shall render free conseling and advice on your health matter,you must speak up to US, ALL of your health matter needs care and concerns and become a better self-advocate.The problem with starting tomorrow to be proactive with your health is that, tomorrow is already here,you should take a bold decision for our certified,tested and trusted Dekah Herbal formulae with Tee&Tee Herbal blood cleanser today for the permanent cure of your toilet or bacteria infection.YOU SHOULD ORDER FOR YOUR DEKAH HERBAL CAPSULE FOR THE ULTIMATE AND PERMANENT SOLUTION..

Our Products

Spermo-Vite formuale™:A unique and A newly rebrand Herbal therapy supplement contains essential sperm production and it is good for boosting.It increase from 0-10 Millions Cell & motility and Morphology to above 65%.It good for for patients with Olisgospermia(Low Sperm Count)Necrospermia(Watery Sperm)Azoospermia(Zero Sperm Count)No side effect.The results is guarantee within 64 days.

Dekah Herbal:A newly discovered herbal medicine that boost immune system and fight bacteria infection.It good for treatment Syphilis,Hepatitis ,Staph Aureus.Any related symptoms like itching in private parts blood stooling, Rashes,Worms like movement and hotness of body.

De-Bull Herbal plus:A blended herbal medicine to restore erection and make a man satisfy his wife miraculously.It good for sexual weakness,premature ejaculation,lack of sexual is a complete sex restorer.No side effects.

Tee&Tee herbal formulae.Herbal tonic for metabolic waste material stimulation of liver.It good for Pile, Haemorrhoid, Gastric & Stomach Discounfort.It is good for a woman irregular menstrual period.

At Whomp Int`l Herbs Therapy,No diseases is resistant,no want need to die untimely from any diseases,No one should live on drugs for longer than Three Months.

We have redefined Medicine,and have made of it an art of human face.We understand disease better and Our evidence based Medicine has made us the clear leader in the field of Natural Medicine World wide.
You can order for our products online 24hours delivery in Nigeria and 3days delivery in oversea without any delay.How service is available any where in Nigeria.
Our office, Abuja,Ph,Lagos and London.Home and office delivery any where in Nigeria

Whomp Int`l, a center of excellence and the best sure in herbal therapy. You have to take a bold step today and give us a call.The efficacy of our products is guarantee.A certified and tested herbal products you can trust for good health and general well-beings.

We all came from nature,we live with nature and nobody can survive without nature.When wealth is lost, nothing is lost, when health is lost, something is lost but when life is lost, everything is lost. Health is wealth.

Whomp Int`L Centre Alternative Therapy
Head Office

28 Ivienagor street, Off Aina Ojodu Berger Ikeja Lagos, Nigeria.

Hot lines:+2348034152029, or 080-58563316
E-mail:drwhomp2004@yahoo. com


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