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Good health should be central to human happiness and well-being,it also makes an important contribution to economic progress,as healthy populations live longer,are more productive, and save more.To keep the body in good health is our responsibility otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.
There are several benefits of a healthy life,if you have sound health,your body becomes free from various forms of disorders or diseases and thus, you get a longer life and your enjoy the fruits of your labour. If you are facing a life threating disease, you should be positive because you can live a life without suffering from any disease if you can take proper good of your health and you will be free from discomfortable life. In every sphere of your life, you will be able to perform to the best of your ability. Doing excellent work helps you to be a valuable member of a healthy society. Besides, when you are physically fit, it gets reflected on your face. So, you look attractive and start feeling good about yourself! If you have a fit body, then you can lead a physically active life even after growing old. This is because, the body can heal the regular wear and tear associated with aging faster. In short, health and wellness brings about a drastic improvement in the overall quality of your life.

As an employee, you should take good care of your health, both in the workplace as well as at home. This will make you feel more energetic and you will be able to carry out both simple as well as strenuous tasks without pushing yourself too hard. As your mind and body is free from work pressure and mental stress, you can handle the daily chores at workplace with a positive attitude. You feel motivated to finish off the task at hand and will be interested to work on more number of things. Your mind develops a natural tendency to focus upon the positives and is not bothered much about the negatives.

It is in our desiring to promote the well-being of humanity,our profile has rising beyond the coast of the continent as a leading  Herbal Firm with excellent creative contribution on community transformation on health sustainability.The secret is not far fetched,we ally with highly experienced skilled  staff,our performance is just as a results of our skill acquisition but our intellectual uniqueness.We creatively related with our clients to bringing the much needed products and service close to their door step.Hope you have understood why is health important for every individual, young or old. It has a huge impact on your overall performance and efficiency. In other words, you have a better control over your life.

I have  made efforts to make the herbal medicine to become the toast of people in Africa and world generally.I have redefined Medicine,andI  have made of it an art of human face.I understood  disease better and my evidence based Medicine has made me the clear leader in the field of Natural Medicine World wide.

With  an undying passion and absolute desire to make the world,diseases-free.I continue research into more innovation means of confronting the myriads of diseases afflicting mankind.

I have always said it times without number that Staph infection spreads through the blood stream, that is why the effect is felt on every part of the body system, when it spreads to the bones and joints particularly those of the arms, legs and spine it forms abscesses. This is usually what causes arthritis or oedema as I usually said and if care is not taken it could lead to affected area becoming permanently stiff.

Sometimes a victim may be having some common ailments, which he or she may just overlook as just an ordinary or common sickness. A very good example of this is someone having a recurrent malaria or typhoid fever, which always return after few weeks of treatment. The funny thing about this situation is that when such people go to the hospital or laboratory for test, all that will be revealed is that they are malaria parasite positive. Such people will continue wasting their hard-earned money on treating malaria without any appreciable result. In some cases a victim of staph may not have any defined symptom, but such a person will feel unwell, restless, and constant headache. When such person goes to hospital for medical check-up, nothing will be revealed and such a person is said to be medically fit. But within themselves they know that they are not okay.

If staph infection spreads to the lungs it can cause staphylococcal pneumonia, if it spreads to the inner lining of the heart it results into bacterium endocarditis (which is a serious condition that can cause permanent damage to the heart). Many take antibiotic too often not knowing that too much intake of antibiotics for other ailments can result into staphylococcus of the colon; if the infection spreads to the brain, it could cause insomnia, which could lead to mental disorder. Not all cases of people with mental disorder or psychiatric problems are spiritual as many believe, because a situation whereby a victim of staph of the brain could not sleep for days or weeks,will automatically lead to a mental imbalance.

Staphylococcus is a very complex disease, apart from being contracted sexually or as a toilet infection; there are some other ways of getting infected. If you have contracted any form of disease in the past like, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, candida (yeast infection), urinary tract infection (U.T.I), etc, which you may have treated but not totally cured, could lead to staph infection.

So my candid advice to anyone that has any form of venereal disease or any disease at all should go for complete treatment and cure to avoid staph setting in.

When you wake up in the morning and you usually feel:

•Some kind of numbness in your joints, limbs or fingers or

•You always have internal heat,

•Rumbling within your stomach

•Some worm-like movement within your body then you need to go for serious body examination. All the above-mentioned situations are part of the normal symptoms of staph infections that don’t have any thing to do with other diseases. Most of the other symptoms are one way or another related to one disease or another that is why in most cases of staph infections a victim may not be aware of what is really wrong with him.

Another problem of the spread of staph to the brain is epilepsy (falling sickness) that is marked by disturbed electrical rhythms of the central nervous system and is typically manifested by convulsive attacks usually with the victim becoming unconscious.

Another Complications

Serious staph infections may lead to:

* Blood infection (also called blood poisoning or sepsis)
* Cellulitis
* Infection of the heart valves (endocarditis)
* Pneumonia
* Toxic shock syndrome

I often write that one mistake that most ladies make is that once they experience itching in their private part, they go to chemists to buy drugs to stop the itching. Once the itching stops, they feel they are okay and free, not knowing that they have only cured the infection externally but internally, the infection is still there. The internal infection may not show any serious symptoms for some years, but it will gradually be affecting the internal reproductive organs. When such women now get married, they now find it difficult to conceive, running from one gynecologist to another. Such a lady could have saved herself and her husband from such trouble if only she had done the right thing at the right time.

If you are a lady and at one time or another, you have treated one infection or another, especially a venereal disease, you have to make sure that you are totally cured.

Same goes with men. Most men are usually not aware of the fact that in most cases of infertility, they are the guilty party. Once a man thinks that since he is sexually active and can go more than two rounds of sexual intercourse in a night, he believes that nothing is wrong with him. But this is a fallacy because being sexually active is not an indication of being fertile. Although there are various reasons that can lead to infertility in men, from his kind of lifestyle, his diet, the nature of his occupation and any history of venereal disease. But what we are particularly concerned about now is the male infertility that is caused by venereal disease, when a man contracts a venereal disease and if not well treated or cured, could lead to staphylococcal infection. Most times staphylococcal infection in men is not easily detected until it has done a lot of damage to his reproductive organs.

A man asked me what could be wrong with her wife because he believed that he was complete as a man because he had strong erection but wonder why his wife did not conceive.Once there is delay in a woman conceiving, we usually believe the fault is from her. This reminds me of Denolas (not his real name). He came to our office for consultation on the issue of fertility. He believed that there was nothing wrong with him since he is physically fit and performs his function as a husband to his wife. He believed since he was sexually active, he did not think there was any problem from his side.

The wife had also done a series of tests and scan which all revealed nothing, but they still wondered why after five years they remained childless. During our discussion, I found out that the man had refused to go for any form of test. After enlightening him for the need to be sure that all was well with him, he agreed to go for the laboratory test. But lo! Our friend had a moderate growth of staphylococcus aureus, coupled with a low sperm count. Initially, he refused to believe the outcome of the result but after repeating the same test at three different laboratories, all pointing in one direction, he accepted to undergo treatment. Both the husband and wife were treated for the infection. After the treatment, drugs were given to the man to boost his sperm count. To God be the glory, today they are proud parents of three children.

Staphylococcal infections can lead to erectile dysfunction in men. Erectile dysfunction is the inability of a man to produce a consistent or maintain an erection of the penis sufficient to have a sexual intercourse. Erectile dysfunction is also referred to as sexual impotence.

Sexual impotence is a serious health problem that has broken many marriages today. Studies have revealed that apart from the need for couples to be rooted in God, sex is the next best tonic for a strong relationship! Studies have shown that over 20 per cent of men in our society today are either partially or totally impotent.

Impotency is usually caused by two major factors: (i) the presence of serious ailments like diabetes and (ii) STD (sexually transmitted diseases).

Sexual dysfunction does not pertain to male only, even the female folks are not left out, because there is this general assumption that it is only the male gender that are guilty of this menace. When a woman finds it difficult to enjoy a sexual relation with her partner, then she too is suffering from sexual dysfunction. As you would have read here often, sexual dysfunction in female is known as frigidity, that is, such a woman, no matter the extent of stimulation or fondling will never become excited or aroused. This is usually due to two major factors: (i) it could be an hormonal problem or (ii) an infection.

Such women will find the act of sex boring and irritating and not something to enjoy. The partner of such a woman will also feel the effects because he will feel as if he is making love to a log of wood or a corpse. Tell me how that kind of marriage will work out.

There was a case of a couple we attended to in our office sometime ago. During the course of examination, it was discovered that while the man had a moderate growth of staph infection, the wife was suffering from both candidiasis (yeast infection) and staphylococcus infections. After the initial treatment of the infections, both parties now seem to enjoy a very sexual life, especially the woman who used to be frigid.

So, if you are a woman and you find it difficult to enjoy sexual relationship with your husband or partner, please don’t think it’s normal or you will adapt. It’s better if you go for medical examination fast.

A couple should seek help on infertility if the woman is younger than 35 years and has not become pregnant after having unprotected intercourse while ovulating for one year. If the woman is older, but still of child bearing age, most experts recommend that help should be sought after about six months of unprotected sexual intercourse without pregnancy.It is possible. There are 50%-600% chances that staph bacteria cause urinary tract infection. This infection can cause pelvic inflammatory disease if remain untreated leading to infertility.
1) Staph saprophyticus attacks the urinary tract causing irritation in the tracts and painful urination.

2) Staph epidemis attacks the skin leading to boil and skin irritation causing itching.

3) Staph aureus breaks down the immune system attacking the lungs thereby leading to cough condition and difficult breathing

4) Staphylococcus attacks the joint and muscular pains and also causes general body weakness with loss of energy.

5) Staphylococcus leads tooligosperme and azospermia, a condition of scarcity or no sperm at all thereby leading to male infertility

6) Staphylococcus attacks the hormonal change in women thereby leading to scanty menses or no menses at all, a situation called amenorrhea, which causes female infertility.

A very potent immune stimulant that aids in white blood cells integrity and production.It reactivates the body`s defense mechanism and boost the immune system.It is inhibitory effect on viral organisms make it suitable for SYPHILIS,HEPATITIS AND HIV1 & 11 patient,100% authentic and life changing without side effects.

Have you been using medication for the treatment of Dead sperm or low sperm count and drugs fail?And you keep wondering why you were not be able to impregnate your wife?

Whomp Int`l Centre for Alternative Therapy, a registered Herbal Company.Our Products have safe guards lives,improve good health &well-being.Our products limits devastating effect of diseases and affliction.We have health packs for the infertility and Erectile dysfunction.A trial will surely convince you. . . . Give a trial today. .

Our Products

Spermo-Vite formuale™:A unique and A newly rebrand Herbal therapy supplement contains essential sperm production and it is good for boosting.It increase from 0-10 Millions Cell & motility and Morphology to above 65%.It good for for patients with Olisgospermia(Low Sperm Count)Necrospermia(Watery Sperm)Azoospermia(Zero Sperm Count)No side effect.The results is guarantee within 64 days.

Dekah Herbal:A newly discovered herbal medicine that boost immune system and fight bacteria infection.It good for treatment Syphilis,Hepatitis ,Staph Aureus.Any related symptoms like itching in private parts blood stooling, Rashes,Worms like movement and hotness of body.

De-Bull Herbal plus:A blended herbal medicine to restore erection and make a man satisfy his wife miraculously.It good for sexual weakness,premature ejaculation,lack of sexual is a complete sex restorer.No side effects.

Tee&Tee herbal formulae.Herbal tonic for metabolic waste material stimulation of liver.It good for Pile, Haemorrhoid, Gastric & Stomach Discounfort.It is good for a woman irregular menstrual period, fallopian tube blockage.

Use Whomp Natural Herbal Medicine today and the good results is guarantee. you should take a bold step to visit whomp Int`l herbs Therapy for the permanent cure today.Please BE PROACTIVE WITH YOUR HEALTH & KNOW YOUR HIV STATUS TODAY.

You can order for our products online 24hours delivery in Nigeria and 3days delivery in oversea without any delay.How service is available any where in Nigeria.
Our office, Abuja,Ph,Lagos and London.Home and office delivery any where in Nigeria.

Whomp Int`l, a center of excellence and the best sure in herbal therapy. You have to take a bold step today and give us a call.The efficacy of our products is guarantee.A certified and tested herbal products you can trust for good health and general well-beings.

Head Office

28 Ivienagor street, Off Aina Ojodu Berger Ikeja Lagos, Nigeria.

Whataspp direct line :+2348034152029

Hot lines:+2348034152029,or 080-58563316
E-mail:drwhomp2004@yahoo. com


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