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Dekah Herbal formulea and Tee&Tee Blood cleanser for sexually transmitted diseases or sexually transmitted infections (STDs/STIs)

What are some types of sexually transmitted diseases or sexually transmitted infections (STDs/STIs)?

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections caused or passed from one person to another during sexual contact,STDs are also called "sexually transmitted infections.There are many kinds of sexually transmitted diseases and infections,they are very common and every are at riskst of these infection more than half of all of us will get one at some time in our lives. Every second,,lot of people kick the bucket as a results of ignorance of certain diseases or virus that are contantly been neglected as a results of Non-Chattalant attitude.No body want to die young neither want a miserable long life FOR SURE but Gonorrhea, Syphilis,Hepatitis, Herpes chlamydia,E-coli and Staph-Aureus  and HIV 1&2 are potential dangerous to your health & health of your partners and there are Declaring a global crisis and warning that no country is safe from infectious diseases, the World Health Organization says in a new report that diseases such as AIDS, Ebola, Hanta, Mad Cow, tuberculosis, etc., killed more than 17 MILLION people worldwide last year, including 9 MILLION children."

At Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative therapy Ltd, our research shows that more than 20 different infections are known to be transmitted through sexual contact, bellow  are descriptions of some of the most common and well known:

Genital Herpes
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Bacterial Vaginosis
Viral Hepatitis

The good news is we can protect ourselves and each other from STDs. Practicing safer sex allows you to reduce your risk of getting sexually transmitted diseases. And if you've done anything that puts you at risk of infection, getting tested allows you to get any treatments you may need.
We are here to help, just call our hot line 08024152029. The caring staff at your local Planned Parenthood health center can talk with you about STDs and help you get any testing or treatment you may need.

Taken together, bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases remain the world's leading cause of premature death, accounting for one out of every three deaths, the report says. For instance, the No. 1 infectious disease, tuberculosis,Hiv took 3.1 MILLION lives last year, UP 400,000 from World Health Organization figures for 1993." Among the reasons that many infectious diseases are spreading so rapidly, the WHO report says, are growing antibiotic resistance and heavy international air travel."

Staphylococcus....Staphylococcal infections are contagious and can be transmitted from person to person. Since pus from infected wounds may contain the bacteria, proper hygiene and handwashing is required when caring for Staph-infected wounds.DID YOU EXPERIENCE SOME OF THESE SYMPTOMS?
1.Itchiness in Private parts?
2)Stomach Noise?.
3)Skin Rashes?
4)Frequent Urinating?
5)Hotness of Body always?
6)Headache & Malaria/Typhoid
7)Waste Pains?
8)Back Pains and Bone marrow Pains?
9)Joints Pains?
10)Frequent Sweating?
11)Discharge from woman vagina(Some like whitish or mucous?
12)Blood stooling & Urinating?
13)Light boil?
14)Moving sensation round the body?
15)Painful sexual Intercourse?
16)Sexual inadequacies of all sort only lasted for one round sex with your wife?
17)Loss of sexual urge?
18)Zero Sperm count?
19)Watery sperm)
20)Blockage of woman fallopian tube?
21)Scanty of menstrual period?
22)Premature and late ejaculation?
23)Purse from men manhood?
24)Infertility both men &Women?

When Staph -Aureus stay long in body,it can destroy some reproductive organ and make a men and women become infertily and it can resulted to Infertility,it caused watery and dead sperm count.

HIV1&11......Breaking down of Immunenity
Hiv positive!!! so common problem among us today why?Our life styles and ignorance..Do you know its impotant to know your status today because being Hiv positive is not the end of live,you can get back to life if you discover the ailment before it lead to AIDS.....AIDS itself is the total breaking down of the immune system.
WHAT IS HIV CURE? HIV Cure is a state when NO Virus in body. It is when the virus eliminates and normalcy established in the patient's body. This is end of the virus as well.

Hepatitis C is a disease of the liver caused by a virus that was first discovered in 1989. Unlike hepatitis A which is caused by fecal contamination of food and water; or hepatitis B which is spread through contact with infected blood or other body fluids; hepatitis C is spread by direct contact with the blood of an infected person.

Prior to the discovery of the virus, it was known that some agent caused hepatitis or inflammation of the liver in people who had been given blood, and it was known that the agent could be transmitted to patients and to experimental animals in blood.

Before the virus was identified, this form of hepatitis was called non A non B hepatitis because the viruses causing hepatitis A and hepatitis B were already identified and could be tested for. Patients with hepatitis following exposure to blood who had negative tests for hepatitis A and for hepatitis B were said to have non A non B hepatitis. It is now known that the majority of these patients were infected with the virus identified and named hepatitis C virus or HCV for short.

As tests for this virus have improved over the years since 1989, more and more people who have hepatitis which could not be diagnosed with accuracy are now being correctly diagnosed as infected with the hepatitis C.

Hepatitis C is an infectious disease of the liver caused by hepatitis C virus. Around 170 million people world-wide are chronically infected with this virus. The infection is associated with severe sequelae such as liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, or liver failure. Herbal medicines have been used for treating hepatitis C. This systematic review evaluates the effects of herbal medicines for treating acute and chronic hepatitis C infection. with Whomp Natural herbs,the curative herbal therapy for the Hepatitis C.

protect  yourself from the gate way of diseases and virus and use a very poven herbal medicine...
Having become aware above symptoms, diseases and you concerned about those changes you notice in your body or your partners, you should take a bold step to visit whomp Int`l herbs Therapy for the permanent cure today.Please BE PROACTIVE WITH YOUR HEALTH & KNOW YOUR HIV STATUS TODAY.

Note.Taken Anti-biotic and injection can only subdue the ailments, you have to take a herbal medicine that will flush those bacteria from your blood stream.

Dekah Herbal:A newly discovered herbal medicine that boost immune system and fight bacteria infection.It good for treatment Syphilis,Hepatitis ,Staph Aureous.Any related symptoms like itching in private parts blood stooling, Rashes,Worms like movement and hotness of body.

De-Bull  Herbal plus:A blended herbal medicine to restore erection and make a man satisfy his wife miraculously.It good for sexual weakness,premature ejaculation,lack of sexual is a complete sex restorer.No side effects.

Tee&Tee herbal formula.Herbal tonic for metabolic waste material stimulation of liver.It good for Pile, Haemorrhoid, Gastric & Stomach Dis-counfort.It is good for a woman irregular menstrual period.

TREATMENT: The best treatment For the permanent cure of the Sexual Transmitted Infections and any related problems that might cause that problems,visit whomp Int`l centre for Alternative therapy. we shall give you a positive solution to your  problems.

Have you  been using medication for the treatment of  Venereal infection and drugs fail?And you keep wondering why this bacteria infection keep on persisting?

Use Whomp Natural Herbal Medicine today and the good results is guarantee.

You can order for our products online 24hours delivery in Nigeria and 3days delivery in oversea without any delay.How service is available any where in Nigeria.
Our office, Abuja,Ph,Lagos and London.

 Whomp Int`l, a center of excellence and the best sure in herbal therapy. You have to take a bold step today and give us a call.The efficacy of our products is guarantee.A certified and tested herbal products you can trust for good health and general well-beings.

Head Office
28 Ivienagor street, Off Aina Ojodu Berger Lagos Nigeria.

Hot lines:+2348034152029 or  08058563316
E-mail:drwhomp2004@yahoo. com

hxxp: www. geocities. com/drwhomp2004/WHOMP. html


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