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Showing posts from June, 2018

Staph-aureus is curable; with Dekah Herbal Formulea & Tee&Tee Blood cleanser

Staph-aureus is curable; with Dekah Herbal Formulea & Tee&Tee Blood cleanser Staph- aureus is a dangerous and disgraceful infection among Staphylococcus species that can destroy sexual life,reproductive organs and others vital Organs like heart,Lungs,Liver and Kidney. It Multiplies very fast in the body and also poison the blood stream by discharging it`s toxins into blood stream which can leads to other complicated issue like destroying the immune System and gives Symptoms similar to HIV.It can render a man impotent, and infertile by destroying the sperm count.It makes a man experienced Low sperm count or Dead or Nil sperm count.I begin to wonder why some group of says that staph is just a common bacteria or organism that lives on every human being body but staph aureus creates negative impact in our body.Because when those bacteria lives in our system,the more they stay there ,the more they destroy some sexual reproductive organs,it cause infertility  in male and femal...

The proven medicinal properties of Phyllanthus Amaratus the wonderful secret of nature

The heaaling properties of Phyllanthus Amaratus the wonderful secret of nature. The long historical use of herbs/ spices for their medicinal benefits is fully acknowledged thousand years ago and there is a growing amount of literature concerning the potential/purported benefits of healing properties of those herbs/species from health perspectives. Phyllantus amaratus is one of the proven medicinal herbs species created by Almighty God for mankind's for healing benefits of different ailments. This great and very magnificent herbs are common in our community and it is easy to find in our community garden. This great herbs species has been reviewed by many world class researchers just to mention few Debra Rose Wilson, PhD, MSN, RN, IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT . David Winston’s Center For Herbal Studies' (DW-CHS) Dr.Aminu Kazeem Olawale (O.I.M) also made an intensive researched on Phyllantus Amaratus with his team of season herbal researchers from Whomp Int'l Centre Alternati...