Healing power of Mistletoe for Diabetes,high blood pressure.. As many people all over the world continuously experience a number of illnesses through the intake of harmful substances and style of living, herbal medicine Consultant experts Dr.Aminu Kazeem Olawale(O.I.M)suggested the use of a “magic plant” called Mistletoe for the prevention of such deadly diseases such as Diabetes and women menstrual dysfunction. Diabetes is another dangerous ailment that is posing a great challenges to medical personnel globally. The scourge of diabetes is on the increase and every countries is now placing a concerted effort to combat this monster called diabetes. The magic plant, (known as Afomo in Yoruba and Awuruse in Ibo), the experts say can act as detoxifying or cleansing agent to fight all type of illnesses.Dr.Aminu Kazeem Olawale(O.I.M) The Chair,Whomp Int`l Centre for Altenative Therapy said the most important secret of Mistletoe lies in its ability to cleanse or purify the blood and the entir...
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